Therefore, their numbers fluctuate as we write this article. Rhinos are hard to track because they are elusive animals. The total population count constantly changes due to a variety of negative environmental factors and/or positive influence of conservation efforts. The estimate is published in the annual report by the International Rhino Foundation and considers all the five species. How many rhinos are left in 2023? The estimated total population of rhi nos in the world is less than 27,000 individual animals. Conservation efforts are underway around the world to protect and save these gentle giants, but more has to be done if we are to revert their doom. Rhino horns are highly valued in traditional medicine and as a status symbol. The primary threats to rhinos are poaching for their horns, as well as habitat loss. Why do we must ask how many rhinos are left in 2023 when there are five species spread across two continents? The sad truth is that rhinos are a critically endangered with all five species facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. Lastly, the Sumatran rhino roams the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo. Found in Indonesia and Vietnam, he is the smallest of all rhino species. The Javan rhino is the most critically endangered of all rhino species, with only around 76 individuals remaining in the wild.

It has only a single horn and a thick skin that provides protection from predators. This mighty animal is the second largest rhino species after the white rhino. The Indian rhino or the greater one-horned rhino inhabits India and Nepal. The black rhino is smaller and more aggressive than the white rhino and lives in a variety of habitats ranging from savannas, deserts, to mountainous regions in Africa.

It is found primarily in grasslands and savannas in South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya. The white rhino is the largest of all rhino species and can weigh up to 2,300 kg (5,070 pounds).